Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Its Like Hunting Vampires

Picture hunting for vampires...holy water, crosses, strands of huge garlic.
Only with Bay Leaves and Spearmint gum.

I am under siege!!! I have been overtaken by these stupid Indian Moths.
Apparently they come in on dry goods like cereal or grains. I have been seeing them for a while now and have tried all I can think of to get rid of them.
I have read up on the internet.
I have thrown away all the food in my cupboards which makes entertaining house guests quite interesting. All the food I do have now lives in my fridge.

After speaking with a friend I have purchased cases of bay leaves and spearmint gum, both of which are supposed to deter them.
I have a hunch they are coming up through the basement but I have yet to prove it.

Until tonight I happened to see one in the hall...I caught it which my ninja like reflexes...and somehow lost it between the hall and the bathroom. But anyway, I went back into the hall to day my 30x or more daily scan of every nick or blemish in the interior of my apartment. I am a little obsessive....

Where crouching down to examine a nick in the baseboard I see two baby moths in the heating grate.

So now do I not only have a bay leaf shoved in every 20 cm space in my apartment...spearment gum jammed in the left hand corner of every drawer of my kitchen even bedroom dresser ....all my heating vents look like this...

So please don't envy me as I make my pathetic patrols around the apartment.
No wonder no one comes to visit.