Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pardon Me

So you will have to excuse the mis-spellings and typo's in the previous posting regarding "Scout's Honor". It was really early(late) and I wanted to write about it before I went to bed.

After talking about this guy today I have to decide the most tasteful way to rid myself of him. All I can say is that he started calling me at 8:30 this AM. And texting me all day and night long.

I have a knack for finding wacko's.

We all know I have a system for nicknaming guys I meet, too bad "crazy guy" was already taken. Plus, when I use that reference I have to clarify which one I am talking about...Western MA, no. The one here, Maynard. But I still have a soft spot for Maynard crazy guy. He is nice, just a little crazy.

And I wonder why my therapist laughs at me when I am telling her things. I am beginning to think she was lying, like in 3rd grade..."we're not laughing at you...we're laughing with you..."

So being the pro-active person I am I went back on my other account and "no thanks'ed" every guy who even looked suspicious, funny, or like he was sporting more merit badges than Troop Beverly Hills. I am taking no chances, which means in my world...

I am staying single.

Maybe I'll try J-Date.