Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Are We That Immature That We Post Insults Through Facebook?

So this is really annoying me.
As many of you know ions ago I dated Rick. We broke up yet remained friends. He and I have been through a lot. But manage to keep in touch from time to time.
Well, as many of you know I am not stellar at keeping in touch but it doesnt mean I don't love you any less. *Disclaimer*

So, last night I had an MRI because I have been having these vicious headaches. I was lucky enough to see my scans last night and see all the different dimensions of my brain. It was pretty cool.

So I status updated that I had seen scans of my brain- Mistake # 1
I get all sorts of responses.
A couple of Which were from Rick making snide remarks on how I had finally found a brain, how I was crazy, calling me a loon...yadda yadda. So someone else also cracks a joke about them actually finding my brain to which Rick replies I know right.
Well that pissed me off.

I had read a few weeks ago on his FB that he was having some back trouble I did ask what was going on, no response.
Also he mentioned the day before yesterday something about his MRI to which I also wrote "Mine's tomorrow".

So I feel I did make a slight effort to find out what the story was and he should have known that I was having an MRI...

I texted him this morning and was like I don't think you cracking jokes at the expense of my brain MRI is that funny.
To which he sends a barrage of messages telling me how self-righteous I am only thinking about myself and how I should get a life or a sense of humor and that He was not in the mood for dealing with self indulgent people... That I made no effort to contact him when he was dealing with his back issues and paralysis... Which I did not know about.

He posts a wall posting on my FB saying the same thing. What a horrible person I am...
SERIOUSLY what are we twelve? You need to post our tiff on FB?

Anyway I am done venting about it.
Thanks for listening.

I need to go think about myself a little more.