Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jealousy Rears it's ugly head...

Annoyed by people.

I just got off the phone with Ron. I had to just get off the line.
We are supposed to hang out this weekend.
I am pissy already and he is in a bad mood.
Trying to figure out what the deal is.
He asks if he is staying I say whatever you want.
Then comes the air conditioner argument.
I swayer I have never met someone who is so fucking whiny about having the AC on...
I was like OMG we are not having this debate AGAIN.
I just was like ok I am going to bed. Just because I like it cold when I sleep...
Is that a crime?

And George is just a fucking jerk.
Has not changed one bit since I last saw him.
Guess I am not going to see him this weekend.

Now Courtney is not in my plan this weekend. But, he does have plans that do not include me. I am jealous which is stupid because you made it this far in the posting and now that I had other things planned.

I am completely irrational.