Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hospital Beds

It has been an interesting day.
Started out great at Bus working on the Q3 for Universal.
Then I head to Starbucks get my usual coffee and head to see Sir Schmoop.
Around 1pm I start getting really sharp pains in my chest on the left side. Every time I breathe in a get a pain that "on a scale of 1 to 10 " was about a 9.
At first I think ahhhh, it must be heartburn or something but after 3 hours of the coming and going of the pain I start getting a little nervous.
Nicole is home for the day and I am talking to her about it and she is like it is nothing.

But the pain is still there. I start to get a little panicky. After what happened last year at the office I don't think anyone takes these matters lightly.

Nicole suggests that I call my doctor and see what they say. Well I can't speak to my actual doctor because she is "busy with a patient" who actually turned out to be Andrea (how is that for coincidence? and yes we have the same doctor)so I speak with the nurse explain what is going on and she says go to the hospital and get an EKG.

Now I start to get nervous. I am fairly certain that it is nothing but I don't want to be having a mild heart attack or something. SO I start crying .
I know really helpful.

I help Nicole get someone to help with Eli (since she is so high risk and had previously broken her back she is not allowed to pick up Eli) and drive myself to the ER. Since Andi was busy at the doctor.

I go in and right away they do an EKG. I literally was there less than 1 minute before I am in the back with Michael, apologizing because I am again crying. I was a little scared and felt dumb because I was fairly certain there was nothing wrong.
Michael is great, looks at the read out and says perfect. I could now go check in and wait for the doctor oh and register.

In the meantime Roe and Kevin show up which is great. I needed to see someone I knew. I told them both not to come but I am glad they were there. I was waiting for the doctor to come back and talk to me. I ended up having a chest X-ray they were double checking for a blood clot in my lungs and after peeing in two cups ( I swear they think I was high) and giving away half of my blood...they determined that I have a viral infection in the joints in my chest...I did not know I had joints there to be honest.

It was quite an interesting afternoon and I got to hang out next to the nurses station in my undies and stupid gown...with the the paramedics hanging out right there and nurses and doctors and get the point.

I am just glad it was not something serious.