Tuesday, July 29, 2008

File This Under...This Could Only Happen To Michele...

OK, SO I went car shopping this afternoon. I showed up at the Toyota place around 4 this afternoon intent on getting a new car. I meet a very nice salesman named "Sam".
I explain to him what I want and what the situation is with my current vechile.
We do the typical back and forth back and forth...let me get my manager ...
SO the manager comes over and after looking at the numbers shows me a set of figures that I was prepared to shell out for my dream 4Runner. No, I have no money...does the $4 dollars I have in my bank account help?
No money down...rollover 4,000 from my current car...
We figure out the logistics. So Sam says you haven't even driven one yet or picked out the color you want. I have this this and this is that model.
He brings over a black SR5 4WD so nice. I decide to take it for a ride.
Now at this point it has been 2.5 hours and I have officially missed the BBQ at the Yanoff's.
I am driving along and mention that I am hungry. Sam looks at me and was like "I will get you dinner". I was like "no that's OK". He is like like, :seriously, I will get you dinner". I was think OK, take out something like that while we wait for them to process my paperwork. He was like when we are done I will take you to dinner.

So now I am stuck at the car dealer, at the mercy of the "manager" waiting for my car to be finished. I get called in and am told that they had made a mistake with the numbers and that the payment would be 100 dollars higher than I had expected.

I was like screw this. So I asked for my keys, annoyed that I had at that point wasted 4 hours of my life at the dealer. I was getting a headache and just wanted to leave.

I still had things to do like dye my hair for my date tonight.

SO I go out and get my keys from Sam. He asked me what had happened when I tell him he tells me to sit down he would try and take care of it. Oh, and that we were still going to get dinner.

Going to get dinner is the last thing I want. I want to go home. I want the BBQ I had missed. I want my 4runner...I smile and say ok. I have a problem . I can not say no.
Not that there was anything wrong with Sam. He was a nice enough. Older gentleman, with no family here in the states. Works a lot since he has nothing else to do. Lonely. But nice.

So I sit down and wait. 20 minutes go by in which I spend talking to Jarret about how going to eat with this man is the last thing in the world I want to do. Finally Sam comes out. We go eat.

As we are sitting there having dinner I realize that Sam is a very nice man. Interesting. Old enough to be my father but nice dinner conversation. Until he says..."I really like you, you are a nice girl. You have my number, I would really like to see you again, we could go out once or more than that if you wish".
My eyes BULGE out of my head. I was like I think I should go now.

I finally regain my composure and say that as flattered as I am that I am seeing someone. He says no problem. I am trying not to offend him..Then I say "You can still find me a car right"?

I went there for a car damn it. This is the guy that is supposed to get me a car. Not my fault that he asked me out.