Saturday, May 3, 2008

Attempting to contruct a blog.

OK, so I have decided to join the revolution and start blogging like the rest of the world.
True to my nature my first concern is, what the hell am I going to blog about and who in the hell cares. But, I figure who cares. The way this week has been I deserve an outlet for my frustrations that does not include the ear of anyone who will listen.
This has been a crap-tastic week. I have spent months befriending and getting close to a certain person who after getting super close last week, decided he can't do it anymore. In all fairness he is a mess. His g-friend died in Jan. and he hasn't even begun to get over it. I knew this going into it. But recently things have gone past the normal "friends" banter... I truly enjoyed this guy. He was crazy, that is why I referred to him as "Crazy Guy". But true to his name he totally flipped out Sunday night and informed me he was too messed up to continue...whatever it was we were doing...friends...(In all fairness he said he was too fucked up, to project his craziness on anyone else) I just seemed to get attached to someone who needs to be fixed. I need to really rethink why i do this. I am not into fixer-upper guys. Damian put it very eloquently last night, "why buy a car with three wheels, when for a few dollars more you can get one with four". "Stop looking for cars that need a little work. Buy a new one". I thought it was very sound and funny advice.

OK, well I suppose that is enough for a starter blog. Next time I will tell you about the rabid racoon family that is living in my porch roof.