Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday at last.

So I have decided to use this blog not only to post about things that happen in my life but to also share the random and wacky things I come across on the internet.

It is finally Friday and am so looking forward to tomorrow. The Black Keys are in town!!! They are playing at the Orpheum in Boston and I am really excited about it. I know they are doing Oceans and Streams for their encore song, this happens to be my favorite of theirs so I am psyched.

Really it has been a boring week...I am heading to VT next weekend. I am bringing Ron with me to Maggie and Andy's. He has been down in the dumps lately and I can totally tell.

He texted me and asked me what I wanted for my birthday.

I told him a baby.

Which he relented and said fine. Now, this means nothing in itself, because it is not going to happen, BUT the old Ron would have fought me tooth and nail on this issue.

We have had this conversation before. Because if I were in the position to have a child I would surely have one with him. Probably be dis-owned but whatever. Our kid would be tall and have great hair.

So we had a day long banter back and forth and then a conversation about it tonight...

I think we settled on a cup of coffee instead.