Monday, May 19, 2008

One Liners.

Well you all are aware that sometimes my life is filled with colorful people and characters.

I was thinking about conversations I have either been a part of or that have been going on around my general vicinity this past weekend. But when I think about it I think I was taking part in these.

I decided I would pull the best lines out of the conversations and share them with you. Also, I am going to mix them up a bit.

They are in no particular order or by no means part of the same conversations...

"The first time I ever did blow was with Ike Turner, man did he have some good shit".

"We were also friends with... she was not an attractive woman, but she was married to a count...Italian I think".

"I dated Mary Wilson for three years, hung out with the Supremes a lot...used to call them, the girls"

"Did you hear about so and so...he donated 20 million to Northeastern, 20 Million to ..., 20 million to... 5 million to the BSO (Boston Symphony Orchestra) he doesn't care much for the arts".