Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Airport Man re-Appears

I was just sitting here sending an email when my phone rings. I look at the phone and see it is not anyone I know but think it is a Georgia number so maybe it is Kris, or Jay, or even Jarret. I answer.

On the line is this deep Baritone voice that sounds like Barry White. I know that it is not one of the three people I mentioned in the previous paragraph.
He says Ms. Michele I respond yes. He is like Hello darling...
I am like WHO THE FUCK?

Then I remember, The guy from the airport, Daniel.
So I say this is the guy from the airport isn't it?

He was like yes, and you are the girl with those super long legs and tatoos.
why haven't you called me. I have been waiting to hear from you.

I was like ummmmmm....I have been busy.
He responds with I am leaving for vacation this weekend and I want to get you a tee shirt but I am not sure what size you are. I want to have something to give you when I get to Boston.

I respond with, I don't wear T-shirts and you don't have to get me anything.
He says I did not ask you if I could get you something. Now I am am sure you can use it at least to sleep in...

I am such an ass. I am sure he is a nice guy but honestly I really dont want to go out with him. I have enough going on.

We chat for a few and then he says he will give me a call when he is in town again which is gonna be soon.
I agree, because I have no backbone...

I hope he at least goes somewhere nice.