Sunday, September 28, 2008


Did you ever have those weeks when your Ex's come out of the woodwork?
This has been that week for me.
The most interesting is happening now, as I type.
Dean (the original crazy guy)is online telling me how he is getting married in two weeks and that he is weirded out because his announcement is going to be in the New York Times.
And that he misses me.
He stalked me...among other things but I have compassion for him. He needed help.
Anyway. I suppose I should just grin and bare it. He is now going to be married and happy or whatever. I just get frustrated with my life at moments like this.

OK I sat on this post for a few minutes...
I think my problem is I need to let it go. People go, cut them off.
I try to remain friends with every single EX I have ever had. And the only person who gets hurt by this seems to be me. Not that talking to Dean is hurtful by any means but it is just a harsh reminder of every time I have failed. Not that every relationship has been a failure, some have been extreme learning experiences.
I am not sure why I am so hung up on this right now, maybe it is just talking to him and the events of this week with talking to Jason (no comment from the peanut gallery).
Maybe I should go to bed and stop spewing words that have started to make no sense.