Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm Hot...In The Geriatric Scene

Well it has been two weeks since the last time I was asked out...
Today I was pulling into Starbucks behind a Bentley.
The car parks a man gets out and goes into the shop.
I go in as well.
He gets his drink. I get mine.
As I am filling my vente cup with sugar and yumminess, I look over and see them man staring at me. I smile.
He pops off his stool and comes over and stays hi I am Peter.
I say hi I am Michele.
He makes a comment about the weather (it is raining) and I state that I actually like the rain. It is fun you know to run in.
He smiles and asks me to join him for coffee. I tell him I can't that I am headed off to work.
He asks for my number and if maybe we could have coffee again another time.
I just smile and tell him well I am here everyday and turn and walk out the door.
He was cute, and old, and short.

Oh well. At least this time I did not give out the digits I am learning :)