Monday, September 15, 2008

The Reluctant Fundamentalist

Well I have been trying to figure out whether or not I was going to post about this weekend or not. And if I did what I was going to edit out, and then thinking why should I edit anything out but for the sake of my own self I just might.

Friday night I flew to Atlanta. My journey started at Logan and I was just sitting minding my own business when a very nice gentleman named Daniel sits down next to me.
We start chatting and since the flight is delayed it gives that plenty of time to happen. He seems like a nice guy, works for CNN covering the Celtics, The Red Sox, and The Chicago White Sox. We talk about Georgia and I tell hum why I am going. He asks if I am going to have any extra time while I am in town, since he would like to see me again while I am there. I tell him my weekend is pretty booked but when he asks for my number I hand it over...I know damn well I am never going to go out with this person but I figure why not.
We board our flight and go our separate ways.

Jarret and Chris were kind enough to collect me at the Marta Station and off we went on a weekend adventure filled with clove cigarettes, seltzer, heat, and lack of gas.

The beef party was a lot of fun and about 12000 degrees. I am a northern girl. I could never make it in the south. I just literally want to curl up in a ball and give up. It is like being beaten into submission, I just want to cry (for the record I have never experienced this mentioned beating I am purely assuming).

It was great to see everyone again. Jack is as amazing as ever. Jay did eat Pasta Salad. My sister looks really good, and is a fab mom and hostess. Jarret seems like he is in a good place.

After some very good conversations this weekend I learned a lot, about myself and why I do not just settle in relationships. I realized that yes it is OK to be particular and wait for what you want. Even if I am 1000 before I get it.