Wednesday, September 3, 2008

When Life Hands You Lemons...

OK General consensus is my life has been uber shitty this week. I have also used the word uber in like three posts.

Sadly enough I am too broke to pay for my tuition for this semester and have been in such a funk I haven't really tried to raise the funds.Maybe in the AM I will go to the school and see if they will let me in.
I thought about going this morning but stayed in bed.
I thought about going yesterday but stayed in bed then too. OK, not to be too pathetic I did get up and go to Bus today...That is something right.

Otherwise this semester is a waste which honestly isn't that bad of a thing. I can save up some cash and get settled into a routine. Which if tonight is any indication will be me sitting in my room when I get home while someone(s) else watches TV in the living room. That is just me being petty since I ate dinner on my bedroom floor cause I did not want to interrupt their movie with my lights and dinner and such.

Really it is my issue. Issue- rhymes with tissue as in TP...there is an issue...Who uses roughly 348 sheets of TP in a Sat afternoon to Monday afternoon time span???
Literally blows my mind...